Parsha and Yоgа – Lеѕѕоnѕ frоm thе Weekly Parsha аnd Yoga

Tоrаh, Judаіѕm’ѕ mоѕt important tеxt, іѕ a dеер аnd meaningful book that is аррlісаblе to all сulturеѕ and all tіmеѕ. Torah іѕ thе Hеbrеw bіblе and thе Old Tеѕtаmеnt and is knоwn аѕ the Fіvе Bооkѕ of Mоѕеѕ. The fіvе books are: 

  1. Bеrеіѕhіѕ/Gеnеѕіѕ
  2. Shеmоѕ/Exоduѕ
  3. Vayikra/Leviticus
  4. Bamidbar/Numbers
  5. Dеvаrіm/Dеutеrоnоmу

Thе Hеbrеw nаmе is fіrѕt аnd the English nаmе follows. Eасh book оf Tоrаh соnѕіѕtѕ of wееklу раrѕhаѕ. 

Tоrаh is thе ѕtоrу оf thе Jеwіѕh people from the creation оf all thіngѕ untіl thе dеаth оf Mоѕеѕ. In Tоrаh, you fіnd ѕсіеnсе, hіѕtоrу, philosophy, rіtuаl, ethics, stories оf individuals аnd fаmіlіеѕ, wars, slavery and mоrе. All рhаѕеѕ of humаn life аrе rерrеѕеntеd іn Tоrаh. It іѕ a lіvіng Torah, rеlеvаnt tо оur lіvеѕ аnd relationships today,zxcvdf as muсh аѕ іt wаѕ whеn given at Mоunt Sinai. Tоrаh іѕ the foundation of еthісѕ аnd mоrаlѕ fоr mоѕt сulturеѕ іn the world. 

Torah іѕ written on a раrсhmеnt ѕсrоll. Parchment is a thіn mаtеrіаl mаdе frоm the ѕрlіt hіdе оf a calf, sheep оr goat. Thе scroll іѕ thеn wоund around twо wooden роlеѕ. Thіѕ is саllеd a “Sefer Torah”, аnd іt іѕ handwritten by a ѕсrіbе who соріеѕ thе tеxt 100% ассurаtеlу аnd then hаѕ іt рrооfrеаd bу another trаіnеd scribe. Thеrе іѕ nо mаrgіn for еrrоr. These words are thе ѕаmе Tоrаh wоrdѕ thаt wеrе gіvеn tо Moses. Whеrеvеr in thе world уоu go, whatever ѕуnаgоguе you vіѕіt, every Torah іѕ exactly thе ѕаmе. If a Tоrаh gets dаmаgеd оr a lеttеr rubѕ off, іt іѕ no lоngеr “kosher” and muѕt bе fixed оr replaced. 

In the modern printed fоrm, a book, thе Tоrаh is uѕuаllу саllеd a “Chumаѕh”, whісh соmеѕ from thе Hеbrеw word fоr the numbеr fіvе. My primary ѕоurсе fоr mу weekly Pаrѕhа rеаdіng іѕ thе Stоnе Chumаѕh, published by Mеѕоrаh. Thіѕ Chumаѕh іnсludеѕ Rаѕhі nоtеѕ. 

There are ѕо mаnу lеvеlѕ of Torah undеrѕtаndіng. Thоѕе оf uѕ who lеаrnеd thе Pаrѕhаѕ іn Hebrew school оr bible school lеаrnеd bу reading mаrvеlоuѕ stories. Aѕ a child, I never got furthеr thаn thе еvеntѕ оf thе ѕtоrу. My аdult understanding of Tоrаh consists оf thе реорlе аnd thеіr сhаrасtеrіѕtісѕ, thе ѕіtuаtіоnѕ аnd the life lеѕѕоnѕ. 

Women whо hаvе hеаrd thе Tоrаh stories will enjoy this book fоr thе Pаrѕhаѕ’ deeper meaning аnd the соnnесtіоn tо their lives. Thеу wіll learn lеѕѕоnѕ оf сhаrасtеr trаіt improvement аnd develop аn іnсrеаѕеd understanding оf ѕеlf. 

Thе wоrd уоgа means “unіоn”, rеfеrrіng to the mіnd, thе bоdу аnd thе soul. Yоgа is thе рrасtісе оf рhуѕісаl роѕturеѕ or роѕеѕ that еnhаnсе stretching, bаlаnсе, strength, and flеxіbіlіtу. 

Yoga іѕ a routine fоr physical, mеntаl, еmоtіоnаl and spiritual hеаlth. Wе dіѕсоvеr оurѕеlvеѕ on аll thеѕе levels through оur yoga practice. Wе рhуѕісаllу do the exercises аnd mаkе оur bоdіеѕ hеаlthіеr bу рrасtісіng оn a rеgulаr basis. We pay attention and concentrate оn оur роѕеѕ; оur mіnd іѕ fосuѕеd оn оur уоgа practice. We fееl good аbоut ourselves. 

Wе have ассоmрlіѕhеd оur goals оf a hеаlthіеr bоdу and еnhаnсеd concentration. A sound mіnd аnd a ѕоund body аugmеnts оur ѕоul and еnсоurаgе grоwth in роѕіtіvе directions. Wе dеvеlор our ѕоul bу becoming thе bеѕt “me” that wе саn bе using the tools оf the mіnd and the bоdу that was gіvеn to uѕ. Yоgа еnhаnсеѕ thе wау wе live wіth wіѕdоm, іnѕіght, discernment, mіndfulnеѕѕ, and ассерtаnсе.

Stretch and Create a Space for New Victories

There are times when your workouts look a little more like a meditation. When your body needs downtime, it is perfectly alright to call stretching a workout.

Did you know that you can actually develop a disorder from overly healthy habits? Those are serious conditions that you should also treat in such a way. I’m no medical specialist, but I’m just saying that you should be cautious with how lifestyles and activities make you feel and how much time, effort, and energy you dedicate to them and what kind of relationship you build with them. 

My addiction is working out. But as long as I keep it within the time frame of half an hour a day, I think I can justify my behavior as being healthy and not deteriorating to my mental health in any way. I actually love stretching. It makes me more alert and gives my body an instant oomph of energy. I haven’t always been that way. But understanding the science behind it really made me embrace and release all the unpleasant knots in my body.

By doing so, I feel toned and energized every day. I see myself getting stronger not only in a physical sense but moreover, on a mental level. To make you understand what half an hour of working out means to me, I am sharing with you my favorite stretches to do on a slow day. Yes, I count them as working out as well. It is a way of lengthening the muscles.

Lay your mat on the ground. You don’t even need workout shoes for this one. Wearing a comfortable pair of yoga pants will definitely help, but if you’re short on time, you can do these exercises in your jeans also (the stretchy kind of jeans, obviously). If you have a towel nearby, you can simply help deepen your stretches by using it as a prop to some of the moves below. While doing these, focus on your breath and try to deepen your stretch with every pose. It will make you feel rejuvenated. 

  • Start from the mountain pose and make a big inhale, extending the arms to the side and up into a peak pose. Gaze up, and with an exhale, bring your gaze down as you simultaneously perform a swan dive. Make sure you’re not slouching out with your back but that the whole upper body is freely hanging towards the ground. With your hands, hold the opposite elbow in a ragdoll position. Then, move both of your legs gently to the side, so they are in the broader position than your hips.
  • Place one hand to the ground and open with the other one to the side and up. Rotate your hips and chest as well, opening them to the sky. Hold for a good couple of breaths before repeating it on the other side. 
  • From the basic forward fold, you can bring your arms behind your back, interlace your fingers, and turn the palms out. Bring your arms as far towards the ground as you can. It works as an awesome chest-and-heart opener. 
  • One of the all-time-best exercises is a simple downward facing dog. It comes in so many variations like standing on open palms, fists, and even elbows, while you can open one leg to the sky, twisting your hips to the side, and from there, going into a runner’s lunge and pigeon poses. The sky is the limit.

Make yourself feel pretty. You deserve it. 

Conditioned to Eat Meat

I’ve been conditioned all my life that eating meat is normal. And, sure there have been phases of my life when I stopped, thought about it and drastically minimized my intake. However, something always came about when I introduced it to my nutrition again. Though I maintain a plant-based nutrition for the vast majority of my meals. Sometimes it seemed more difficult to me to explain my choices to those around me than it did to swallow my words and the meat itself, literally. I also never really enjoyed the taste of it.

As free individuals, we don’t have to eat meat. We might not even wish to eat it, but it became some sort of a norm. We have deep-rooted beliefs that it is OK to eat certain animals, but have you ever thought why we wouldn’t indulge in others, too?

As with any form of belief, I obviously feel partial to the individuals who are not sure of their why. I then wonder if what they are doing and saying really comes from a genuine place. But that’s just me, and I shouldn’t worry about it for the purpose I’m trying to convey here. However, I’d like to share one more word on why it is so important. It is the driving force to achieving your goals. Let that be better well-being, losing weight, fitting in or adding your mosaic piece to creating a better world.

Here’s a fact: meat cannot be procured without violence. But the meat-producing industry and its marketing are very skillful at keeping it invisible because it is not talked about and we perceive eating meat as something that is a given. When it is actually not so. Keeping animals away from our sight also keeps them away from people’s inner consciousness.

You are probably aware that animals are in fact sentient conscious beings. But did you know that pigs are as intelligent as three-year-old humans? That cows develop feelings and lasting bonds with their family and friends. They might cry for weeks when their babies are forcefully taken away from them. And that chickens are able to distinguish between 100 different faces between the number of their species. Fish have intelligence, too. In some countries, it is even illegal to keep them in small bowls and boil lobsters alive.

Did you know that 124,000 animals are slaughtered across the world every minute? Not in a day, not in an hour, but every minute!

Is carnism than normal? Is it natural at all? And necessary?

Those are the questions each of us needs to ask ourselves, and I’m no one to judge. I, too, have eaten my fair share of animals that I know I could not if I had met them eye to eye. It comes down to the question of our priorities. It ultimately is the question of awareness that brings about free choices. Compassion in place of cruelty, and empathy in place of apathy.

Best High Waisted Yoga Pants


Your legwear is an integral part of your day. If you live an active life, you want something that will be comfortable and easy to move in; not something that is constricting or you will continuously be tugging on. Yoga pants offer a comfortable solution to move from a workout class to grocery shopping. They are comfortable, easy to move in, and great for a variety of activities. High waisted yoga pants also provide a little extra coverage and are flattering on most people. Picking the right pair can be challenging, especially with how many options there are on the market. We’re here with a top 5 list that will help guide you on your decision.


    1. 90 Degree by Reflex High- Waist Power Flex Legging – Tummy Control: These high-waist leggings top our list because they are affordable, comfortable, and act as shapewear to help keep you hugged in. These leggings are made of high-quality materials but at a lower cost. They come in multiple colors and are perfect for lounging or the gym. The waistband can be rolled up if you want a high-waisted, more tucked-in look, or rolled down if that’s more comfortable. Either way, these pants will help you to be confident while working out so you can have your best work out every time.


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  1. Yoga Reflex Women’s Tummy Control Sports Running Yoga Workout Leggings: These high- waisted leggings are great for all forms of exercises. The high waist will keep your tummy tucked in so you’ll be more confident while working out, and they also have a matte finish that provides an overall flattering appearance. They are great for gym workouts and if you are looking for a break in your routine and you want to make your way outside for a hike.
  2. Neonysweets Women’s Ladies Workout Leggings with Pocket: The fun design of these high waisted leggings makes these a great option as well. If you don’t want a print, there are others without one. This pair of pants is made of moisture-wicking material to help wick away sweat during tougher workouts. The pocket is great for storage for your phone.
  3. Aenelly Women’s Activewear Yoga Pants High Rise Workout Gym Spanx Tights Leggings: The first thing I love about these pants are the colors. They are great for the upcoming fall. The fabric will keep you tucked in and comfortable. It is also incredibly soft yet durable.
  4. Tesla Yoga Pants High-Waist Tummy Control with Hidden Pocket: These pants have an ultra-stretch fit with plenty of thickness, so they aren’t see-through. There is also a hidden pocket that will hold small objects like your keys. The waistband also does a great job of staying in place while you’re working out so you won’t have to be worried about pulling your pants up continually. Buy them here.


The most important thing is that you find a pair of pants that is comfortable and easy to move in. You want to feel confident while you work out and not self-conscious about what your clothing is doing. These five pairs of leggings are excellent options and will satisfy your comfort and style needs. In my opinion, if I like what I’m wearing, I’m more excited and motivated to work out. I hope you enjoy this list and it helps you branch out from the activewear brands you’re used to!

Svadhisthana: The Chakra of Creativity

Located in the lower abdomen, the second chakra is associated with our creative nature and sexuality. The word “Svadhisthana” itself means “the dwelling place of the self.” After our root chakra is stabilized, we can start building on how we express ourselves in the world around us. 

The element of water is strongly associated with Svadhisthana. When we think of water, we think of fluidity, balance, and flexibility. It is reflective of how we feel when our second chakra is balanced. Wellness, pleasure, abundance, and joy are all elements of an open creative chakra. When Svadhisthana is closed, we might experience sexual dysfunction, depression and emotional instability. Essentially, we have issues when it comes to expressing our true nature. 

Humans have an intrinsically creative nature. The most obvious example of this is through procreation, and although Svadhisthana is responsible for this, it is not its only purpose. Creation comes in many forms. Art, dance and music are probably some of the most prominent examples, but creation also happens in our everyday lives. When we are cooking, decorating, working, or even thinking of a solution to a problem, we are calling on our creative energy to assist us. 

Being creative is about taking risks. No good artist or chef has been given positive feedback throughout the entire journey. In fact, when we are children we are often discouraged from creative endeavors, believing they lead to financial instability and a disconnect from society. Most adults leave their playful creativity in childhood and become used to following what is seen as socially acceptable. The best way to reignite your creative nature is to engage in child-like play. It means creating without judgment. Children are rarely discouraged if their work isn’t perfect. If they don’t like what they have created, they will simply start again. When we are creative without judgment, we feel more open and free; our ability to connect with others improve and our choices are better informed. So put on an 80s costume and get choreographing some routines to the music of your childhood!

Ways To Balance Svadhisthana 

  • Mantras

A great way to get in touch with and clear our chakras is through verbal affirmations. Mantra repetition helps to focus the mind and balance our emotional wellbeing. If you know how and where the blockage is manifesting, then you can use this information to create a mantra specific to you. Even repeating words such as I am creative, open, energetic being, can have profound effects on clearing your creative cent. 

  • Colors

The color of the second chakra is a deep orange. During meditation, envision this color emitting from your lower abdomen. 

  • Creativity 

Whether you consider yourself a creative person or not, engaging yourself in expressive tasks will help to build your creative ability. You can express yourself anywhere at any time. Something as simple as singing along to music while you go about your daily activities serves as an act of expression.

  • Aromatherapy

Burning oils to promote healing and relaxation has been used for centuries. Essential oils for Svadhisthana include pine, spruce, and fir.

Beauty Benefits of Yoga

We all desire healthy, beautiful skin, and yoga can help us achieve it. Skin is one of the first things affected by poor diet and stress, but yoga can help improve the look and feel of your skin, make you feel healthy, and relieve stress. There is a term “Yoga glow” for a reason, because yoga affects our bodies from the inside out. Yoga is a healing practice that detoxifies the body, improves circulation, and reduces stress.

Why does yoga improve your skin? Yoga helps improve digestion and circulation, and better blood flow leads to naturally glowing skin. Healthy yogis also eat properly and drink plenty of water which helps flush out toxins in the body and leave your skin with a lustrous glow. If you start incorporating yoga into everyday life, you’ll begin to notice a significant difference in how your skin looks and feels.

Here are some of the beauty benefits you might experience from a regular yoga practice:

Improved Self Confidence 

Yoga helps to bring us contentment with our bodies, and when you feel comfortable in your own skin, other people will start to notice it too. With improved self-confidence, you’ll start to look and feel more beautiful.

Improved Immune System 

Yoga improves digestion and naturally removes toxins from our bodies which leads to an improved immune system. Slowed digestion caused by stress and other outside factors can leave the skin feeling clogged and sluggish, but yoga supports a healthy digestive system. Poses for digestion include kneeling pose, bow pose, and practicing forceful exhalation. Following a healthy yogi diet also provides the body with essential vitamins and nutrients for a healthy immune system.

Younger Looking Skin

Yoga alleviates stress, allowing our facial muscles to relax. An improved immune system also shows in the facial skin, making us look younger and fresher. Your skin, and especially your facial skin, is often one of the first places on the body to show the effects of inflammation. But yoga helps to reduce inflammation and stress, allowing the skin to heal faster and start looking younger.

Yoga Glow 

Asanas, or yoga postures, help increase blood circulation and reduce toxins in the body. Inverted postures and forward bends especially increase blood supply to the head, causing our skin to glow. Good circulation also helps oxygen and nutrients reach the skin cells in the face resulting in clearer and brighter skin. Asanas that focus on the head and face include cobra pose, fish pose, plow pose, shoulder stand, triangle pose, and child’s pose. Breathing exercises also provide a cooling effect to the skin, helping to retain that glow.

Yoga is a low-impact way to strengthen and stretch, plus it can be done anytime and anywhere. But the benefits don’t stop there. It also makes us look and feel more beautiful starting from the inside and working its way out. If you’re looking for a natural way to keep your face and skin looking bright and beautiful, look no further than a regular yoga practice.

Are Striped Leggings the Right Choice for You?

Have your old solid black leggings started to feel a little stale to you lately? Maybe your yoga outfit needs some refreshing with new items that follow modern fashion trends. Instead of abandoning your trusty pair of yoga leggings all together, it may be time to investigate some new ideas that breathe fresh life into this trend.

Striped yoga leggings are becoming a quickly growing phenomenon among yogis. They can take on many different forms, ranging from the athletic feel of white stripes down the sides to funkier patterns. In the eyes of many yogis, these are playful ways to love themselves and feel confident in their yoga leggings. Could it be the right trend for you?

Take some time to evaluate what type of style you have as an individual.

Do you favor sportier clothes that are more commonly seen at the gym? Do you like styles that look pretty and polished? Are you more interested in subtle patterns than overtones that draw attention?

Striped yoga leggings can take on a variety of forms, making it easy to find a pair that’s right for you and your yoga practice. Knowing how you prefer to dress makes it easier to find a pair that’s the right fit for your personality.

Yogis who adhere closely to the prominent athleisure trend tend to prefer solid black yoga leggings with two to three narrow white stripes down the side. These closely resemble the popular joggers or athletic sweatpants that are seen in workout rooms and weight rooms. The tighter fit of the yoga leggings gives these pants a distinctly more refined appearance though.

Alternatively, you may favor wide swaths of color down the side of the leggings. These can be bright shades and fluorescent hues. If you’re a yogi who prefers to keep many of their clothing choices neutral, this can be a quick way to add pops of color to an otherwise boring wardrobe.

However, you may prefer more subtle options such as grey stripes on black yoga leggings. This color combination is extremely popular because it is still easily matched with other items in your closet. It also allows yogis to experiment with stripes in their workout clothing without such an obvious commitment.

Stripes are great for most yogis, but you will want to make sure they are vertical stripes rather than horizontal. Vertical stripes can make you appear longer and leaner, especially if the stripes are relatively thin to medium in thickness.

In comparison, horizontal stripes tend to make you look wider which isn’t particularly favorable for any individual regardless of how fit you may be. This is especially true when the entire legging is consumed with stripes, typically thin ones. The more horizontal stripes you add, the wider you’re bound to look in your yoga leggings.

Consider how you could work this prominent fashion trend into your workout clothing during this season. Whether you prefer subtlety or bold patterns and colors, stripes are an easy item to incorporate for every stylistic taste.

How Much Bra Support is Right for You

There are a lot of options out there when it comes to sports bras. With all these options you can find a bra that works perfectly for you, once you manage to wade through everything that is out there. While trying to find a bra really does come down to how it feels on you, here are some things to think about so your search isn’t quite as daunting. How much support you need is going to be a driving factor in the bra that you choose. The amount of structure you are looking will vary greatly depending on what activity you are going to be wearing it for, how well-endowed you are, and what you find comfortable.


The requirements of a bra are going to be dependent on what it is used for. The amount of impact during an activity is really going to affect what you look for in a bra. For example, running is a high impact activity, you are going to need a bra the can put up with all that bouncing. On the other side, rejuvenating yoga is going to be gentle, so you can get away with much less structure. If you participate in a wide range of activities, you may find you need several different bras to suit your needs. Most bras have a rating for how much support they provide, you can use this as a great guide when you start your search.


Women who have larger breasts are generally going to need more support from their bra, compared to their flatter counterparts. There is just more stuff that needs to be held in place, meaning that the bra is going to be under more strain with the same activities. If you are not quite as blessed in this region you can get away with a little less. Make sure you keep this in mind while you are out shopping for a bra.

Comfort Levels

People are going to have different levels of comfort when it comes to bras. Generally, the more support a bra gives, the more uncomfortable it is going to be. This isn’t always true, as the having a bra that isn’t supportive enough for the activity can be very uncomfortable as well. However, most sports bras provide support by compression, with more compression leading to more support. Other things, like multiple straps or under-wires that are added to make a bra more supportive, can lead to discomfort.

A perfect bra is going to take these aspects and find a balance between all of them. A bra needs to be supportive enough to withstand the impact, while also remaining comfortable. Those two factors may seem at odds with each other, where you must choose one over the other to a varying degree; this means that some bras might not work that great in specific situations. Many people find having a variety of bras helps them tailor their wardrobe to what is going on, so don’t feel that you need to stick to only one kind of sports bra for all of your needs.

Airport Yoga For Traveling Stress

There is no denying that air travel can be a stressful endeavor. So finding an activity to help mitigate stress during any flight delays and long layovers can be a great use of time. With wellness and travel thriving, it’s refreshing to see that airports are catching on to the trend. With the rise of yoga’s popularity, it’s no surprise that airports around the world are becoming more accommodating to traveling yogis. Not only does yoga require minimal equipment, but it also offers both physical and mental health benefits. Frequent travelers know all too well that layovers and delayed flights can lead to long, wasted hours of sitting and waiting that add to already high stress levels.

These are a list of airports now offering a designated space for yoga within their airports.


San Francisco International Airport, CA

Located between Terminals 1 and 2; and in Terminal 3

The San Francisco International Airport opened its first yoga room in 2012. The two yoga rooms are open 24 hours, free of charge, and you’ll find a dimly lit and noise-free room, equipped with yoga mats and floor-to-ceiling mirrors. Both studios are located in the domestic departures area, meaning international travelers unfortunately do not have access.


Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, TX

Located between Terminals B and D airside (open 24 hours)

This airport features a full yoga studio that contains yoga mats, a privacy screen, and large windows with a great view of the runway. The studio is free of charge. A strip of tiled floor is covered in yoga mats, and decorated with a series of yoga-inspired paintings and potted plants


London Heathrow Airport, United Kingdom

SkyTeam Lounge in Terminal 4, opposite Gate 10 (open 5am – last flight)

What started as a project in 2014 gave way to a permanent yoga studio in London’s Heathrow Airport. Unlike the rest of the studios on this list, though, you’ll have to buy a pass to access the SkyTeam lounge in order to use the yoga facility. However, with this splurge you get access to an oxygen bar, a wine bar, a wellness center and complimentary food and drink, in addition to your yoga mat and video exercises.


Burlington International Airport, VT

Located at Second floor, airside (open 4am – 10pm)

In addition to its other relaxing areas, complete with rocking chairs and comfy couches, this luxurious New England airport offers a yoga space for its patrons. Two of Vermont’s local yoga studios – Evolution Physical Therapy and Yoga, and Yoga in Burlington – co-designed this tranquil tangerine and green studio. The room is free to use, and there are shower facilities nearby if needed.


Chicago O’Hare International Airport, IL

Located at Terminal 3 Mezzanine Level, Airside (open 6am – 10pm)

One of the busiest airports in the world, Studio offers a peaceful space for travelers to practice yoga and meditate. This 15×16 foot space is complete with bamboo flooring, full body mirrors, frosted glass windows, yoga mats, relaxing audio, and a video monitor that displays yoga poses and nature imagery.


Chicago Midway Airport (MDW)

Located at Concourse C (open 6am – 10pm)

In September, 2014, Chicago Midway joined the list of terminals offering yoga spaces. Like O’Hare, this free studio has bamboo flooring, full-length mirrors, a few plants, mats, a television displaying yoga postures and images of nature to a soothing soundtrack. There is no change room in the studio, but a bathroom is located nearby and the studio has a small space to store personal belongings.


Sioux Falls Airport (FSD)

In 2015, a local fitness company opened a yoga studio in Sioux Falls Regional Airport near the terminal’s business center. It is equipped with a handful of yoga mats, and charts that recommend postures for before and after your flight.


Helsinki Airport (HEL) Kainuu Lounge (open 24 hours)

Back in 2014, Helsinki piloted guided yoga classes in their tranquil Kainuu multiuse lounge. Though this was only a short-term project, mats are available year round in this space. You can also find a Book Swap, ergonomic chairs, extra soft carpet and free Wi-Fi 24 hours a day.


Frankfurt Airport (FRA)

Near C14 in Terminal 1 after security and near D1 in Terminal 2 after passport control (open 24 hours)

Frankfurt International kicked off 2016 by opening two new yoga rooms in Terminals 1 and 2. Visitors are provided with all the equipment they need – mats, blocks, cushions, pads and floor-to-ceiling mirrors – free of charge, in a dimly lit room. Televisions and flyers guide travelers through yoga practices, while music and a giant Buddha portrait enhance the calming atmosphere.

Check out this interesting video by a yogi lover Natasha who demonstrates her ways of practicing airport yoga.

Thanks for reading and have fun!